Don’t tell mum!

  • By Alison
  • 13 February, 2011
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When I was at university, I made sure I learned everything I could about social interaction and cultures. I’m not talking about my course – I’m talking about what you do when you’re not studying. I excelled in this regard.

I also had some quite adept mentors on my side. 

My mother used to get a pained expression on her face when I told her about nights out that I had when I was at uni. With her lips pressed together like a pinched nerve, she’d warn me that the longer I stayed out, the more chance there was that something would happen.

I used to think… GREAT! I’d love something to happen…

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More gin, Brown Owl?

After waiting for a year and a half after leaving Rainbows, my 8 (nearly 9) year old has finally got  a place in Brownies. She’ll have all of a year there before having to move up to Guides because the waiting list was so long – and I worry now if she’ll be able to go smoothly from Brownies to Guides, or will there be another gap like this.

I realise why it’s like this of course – my mother was a Guide leader, and eventually had to close down her Guide unit 10 years after she’d first wanted to retire. Simply because there were NO others willing to take it on and run it, despite wanting their girls to be involved…

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Free range kids roll on

Last Saturday was a day designated by Lenore Skenazy as “Take your kids to the park and leave them there” day. The goal behind this day was to encourage helicopter parents (those who hover) to give their kids a little free reign and let them learn to be independent. And we’re talking 7 years old and up, not toddlers.

In the lead up to the actual day, I read the comments and reactions to the idea with interest. I expected people to express doubt and disagreement, there was no surprise there. What had me rather flummoxed was the notion that apparently some parents don’t let their kids out of their sight – even in their own homes.

Maybe I should say “allegedly” rather than “apparently” – because I simply don’t believe that it’s true…

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painting rocks in the backyard

  • By Alison
  • 28 April, 2010
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Why my children will hate me now.

I’m not what you’d call a technical prude. Quite the opposite in fact. I embrace technology whole heartedly, then let it consume me and take over my life, with potentially … Continue Reading →

new life, dirty sheets and old pizza crusts

The title of this post has nothing to do with anything really. I just had a sudden visual of what might be lurking under the pile of toys and dirty … Continue Reading →

cooking with mama

  • By Alison
  • 25 March, 2010
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We decided to make white chocolate cookies from Miss Comic Relief’s new cook book. This was the first time I’d ever let Miss Trouble Pants stir something over heat. It … Continue Reading →

And monster makes three. I mean 12.

Last week was one of those weeks that hit all of us at some point in time, where the calendar has a major clash, and too many things end up … Continue Reading →

Rollerskating in the park

We needed to get out of the house on Mother’s day, as Mr Boxer Shorts had work to do. But it was one of those rare sunny days, so we … Continue Reading →

The tooth fairy wields a big stick

Miss Comic Relief lost her second tooth this week. She is now sporting a big gap on the bottom of her mouth and she loves pushing her tongue through it. … Continue Reading →