life resolutions

  • By Alison
  • 5 January, 2009
  • Comments Off on life resolutions

New years resolutions should never made on new years day. This has nothing to do with how badly hung over you might be, but more to do with making life
resolutions all year round rather than think of something on a single day just because someone tells you to.

Life resolutions are things that you decide to do because they’ll improve your life. Don’t wait a year to start them, put them into action immediately.
Don’t give up smoking “tomorrow” – do it today. If you can’t start it when you think about it, then you’re not serious about it.

This is also the moment to mention that I don’t necessarily practise what I preach. So I guess that’s my new year’s resolution – To DO. To DO
today. To do today what I’ll probably have forgotten about tomorrow if I don’t write it down (which I generally also forget to do).

I went to the gym today. I do body attack on a saturday morning. I get up with the girls, make their breakfast, clean the kitchen, make paul a cup of tea, then
take off to the gym. It’s ME time, and I won’t give it up for anything. Which makes it a hell of a lot easier to keep a regular excercise regime. Today
the class was extra crowded. All of the new year’s resolution crowd were in. Some we’ve never seen before, some we’ve not seen for about 11 months.
A month from now most of those people will be nowhere to be found!

That’s the problem with making a new year’s resolution to do something that you don’t really want to do. You’re not going to keep it. Try
starting it in November instead. Give yourself a better reason to do it than just “It was my new year’s resolution”.

Not making any new year’s resolutions doesn’t mean that I think I don’t need to change anything about myself. There are lots of things I need to
focus on. But I find it’s more effective to have a “spring clean” every now and then – especially during school term when the house is quiet and
the children are otherwise occupied.

I won’t mention any of the habits that I plan to sweep away with mental duster though. Oh, other than beating up on my husband!

Categories: manging life

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