today is TOBY day!

I have a furring bundle of purr climbing over me! He’s also got catfood breath, which is pretty rank having just snacked on a sachet of kitten food.

The girls are upset because he likes me and not them so far. They both fail to realise that they move at 100 miles an hour, where I just stay put and talk
gently to him. Plus I sung to him all the way home in the car.

He’s in the back room and I am sitting on the sofa chair with the laptop. He was in here by himself for a while, since the sheets suggest giving him alone
time on the first day. But he sat by the glass french doors and watched us and meowed. So now I am in here just sitting, and he’s climbing around my neck
and chest with his sharp little unretractable claws and his motor running overtime.

He purrs so much! We got a letter from the foster carer about his personality and early days. It was lovely to read how confident he is, and know what his
eating habits are, since that helps me work out what to feed him. Kitten diarregah is a disgusting thought. Plus the fact that he’s already litter trained.

Molly has just come in and sat down to read a book. After a few seconds Toby went over and sat beside her. Then he climbed on her lap, and now he’s
standing on her book. She’s delighted!

I’ve just taken some photos, and I’ll add them later on.

Categories: the furry ones


  • sniksnak says:

    Oh but I’m thrilled for you, Alison! I can’t wait to hear more about Toby and see his pictures. There’s nothing quite like cat folk, yes?

  • sniksnak says:

    I just found his photos in your photo galleries. What a handsome little boy he is! Just a stunning little fellow. Thanks so much for sharing!